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Philippine Shipping Update – Manning Industry

By:  Ruben Del Rosario, President, Del Rosario Pandiphil Inc., 6 February 2020 (Issue 2020/02)


Holiday Notice: Our offices will be closed on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 (People Power Revolution Anniversary). Emails will be monitored but for urgent matters, please call our 24/7 mobile +63 917 8308384.
 Following the 30th January 2020 declaration by the World Health Organization that the 2019-nCoV ARD is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, the Philippine Government has issued on 31 January 2020 a temporary travel ban for those coming from China including Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions.
The temporary travel ban covers non-Filipinos who are directly coming from China, including Hong Kong and Macau. It likewise covers those who travelled to said areas within the past fourteen (14) days. Exempt are Filipinos and those holding a Philippine permanent resident visa, said individuals are to undergo quarantine for 14 days.
There is also a temporary travel ban on Filipinos to travel from the Philippines to China including Hong Kong and Macau.

On 4 February 2020, the Department of Health issued Department Circular No. 2020-0034 (“DOH Circular No. 2020-0034). This circular modified Bureau of Quarantine’s Memorandum Circular 2020-04 dated 3 February 2020 that originally imposed a ban on the entry to Philippine ports of foreign vessels coming within the past 14 days from China including Hong Kong and Macau.
Based on DOH Circular No. 2020-0034, the following are the guidelines:

A.      For Cruise Vessel

A.1.  All Cruise Ships with passengers, regardless of nationality, from China, Macau and Hong Kong or had passed through these territories in the past 14 days are not allowed to dock at any Philippine port.
A.2.   All Cruise Ships not calling on the ports of China, Macau and Hong Kong SAR within the last 14 days are allowed to dock in Philippine ports.  They must undergo complete screening measures, submission of duly accomplished Maritime Declaration of Health , and other pertinent documents related to 2019 NCoV ARD.
A.3.  All Cruise Ships allowed to dock must declare all travel itineraries/excursions in the Philippines.
A.4.  The master of the vessel must report immediately any occurrence of flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, colds, body weakness and difficulty of breathing).  In an event of flu like manifestation arising, the master must immediately report to the Quarantine Maritime Officer (QMO) for guidance on implementing infection prevention and control protocols to minimize the spread of infection on board.

B.       For Cargo Vessels

B.1.  All vessels coming from China, including Hong Kong and Macau, in the past 14 days must be boarded at the quarantine anchorage.
B.2.  Upon arrival at quarantine anchorage, the master of the vessel must hoist at its foremast the yellow flag and inform immediately the Quarantine Station at the assigned port through ship agents.  Strictly no embarkation/disembarkation policy.
B.3.  Quarantine boarding formalities shall ensue – the master of the vessel shall submit a duly accomplished Maritime Declaration of Health and the Bureau of Quarantine shall issue free patique.  Other boarding formalities shall ensue.
B.4.  Vessels cleared at the first port of entry and calling another local port, which within the past 14 days travelled to China, Hong Kong and Macau, must be boarded at the designated Quarantine anchorage by the QMO, submit duly accomplished Maritime Declaration of Health and other pertinent documents.      
B.5.  The master of the vessel must report immediately any occurrence of flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, colds, body weakness and difficulty of breathing).  In an event of flu like manifestation arising, the master must immediately report to the Quarantine Maritime Officer (QMO) for guidance on implementing infection prevention and control protocols to minimize the spread of infection on board.
B.6.  The QMO will conduct triaging of cases/s using current Case Definition.
B.7.  Ship agent of the vessel with person under investigation (PUI) situated in a non-competent port will arrange the immediate diversion of the vessel to the nearest competent port (Manila and Cebu) in the Philippine territory.
B.8.  PUI in a competent port will be conducted in a dedicated hospital and the vessel will be declared as affected vessel.  A confirmed laboratory result of case will commence a 14 day quarantine at the anchorage and hoist the Lima flag.  Day zero starts at the conduction of the PUI.
     On the 14th day,  the QMO will board the vessel, examine the documents, muster the crew and issue a free patique.  The master of the vessel may then lower down the yellow flag, and other formalities will commence.

C.       General Preventive Measures

C.1.  Continue hygienic practices and sanitary measures at all times.
C.2.  Waste disposal of vessels coming in from China, including Hong Kong and Macau, in the past 14 days, are not allowed in Philippine ports.
DOH Circular No. 2020-0034 seems to be in line with the statement released by the Philippine Ports Authority on 4 February 2020 declaring that Philippine ports remain open to vessels coming from China and its Special Administrative Regions under specific conditions.
Further issuances may change the guidelines to be observed for foreign vessels entering Philippine ports depending on public health conditions. Subsequent alerts will be made should revised guidelines be issued by competent authorities but it is also highly recommended that coordination with ship agents be made on a regular basis to see if there will be new developments that may affect the ship’s operations.


Areas of Specialization: Shipping, Labour, Transport, Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Insurance, Immigration, Litigation, Arbitration, Intellectual Property
2018 AsiaLaw Profiles: Outstanding in Shipping, Maritime & Aviation; Recommended in Dispute Resolution & Litigation, Intellectual Property, Labour & Employment

“Del Rosario & Del Rosario has the strongest shipping practice in the Philippines. They definitely deserves the top ranking.” AsiaLaw Profiles 2018

“We rely on them when there’s a problem. We can trust them. And they can deliver the service required.” The Legal 500 2018

“For almost four decades, DelRosarioLaw has led in the shipping and transport practice in the Philippines by assisting stakeholders in fostering institutional changes to ensure the continued viability of the local shipping and manning sectors. This enduring reputation has made the firm’s opinion in major maritime policies of the country most sought after.” Chambers Asia-Pacific 2018

Del Rosario & Del Rosario, a four-decades-old firm, is considered to be among the top shipping and maritime practices in the country. It has also built a formidable reputation in insurance and reinsurance, and has more than 30 lawyers, including 10 partners.” The Philippines Law Firm Awards 2018




This publication aims to provide commentary on issues affecting the manning industry, analysis of recent cases and updates on legislation.  It is meant to be brief and is not intended to be legal advice.  To subscribe or for further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..




Edmon Ruiz

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